Having read the title some readers may be asking why, or why in Latin. There are two answers to this question. On Friday night, whilst considering the details of Saturdays run over a glass of wine at Tim P’s house, I miss-quoted the Latin phrase in vino verities (in wine there is truth), to be honest it was probably the third glass of wine. I have been reflecting on my poor classical education and I suspect that I may not be alone in this. Secondly and perhaps more of a clincher, quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur (whatever has been said in Latin seems deep) and it therefore sounded like an easy way to sound more clever!! Anyway, quis leget haec mauris? (Who will read this shit? )
All had received the un-Duncan like abbreviated weather forecast, which had promised that we would be finished before the rain came. As we stood at the start and the rain started to lash down on us, some of you may have felt you were falsis principiis proficisci (setting forth from false principles), and to be honest it was not so much of a weather forecast but more of ‘an expression of hope’. I am sure you have all read the very, very small print on the web site that shows caveat emptor (let the buyer beware).
In my defense as the rain turned into a torrent and I jumped back in my car to shelter, I did put out the shout omnis vir enim sui (every man for himself!). Bob B who had turned up in the brand new Porche having only just finished showing the roof opening mechanism, decided not to allow any rain to touch the inside of the new car doors and got in mine. The rest of you were left standing in the rain or looking for limited shelter of a tree. Remember not so much audentes fortuna iuvat (fortune favours the bold) acutus fortuna iuvat (fortune favours the quick).
With no immediate improvement in the weather seeming likely we decided to carpe diem (seize the day) - you see some of your favourites coming out here. Buy the time we started we were all soaked a capite ad calcem from head to heel. As we crossed the road to entre the park, I could hear the drivers as they went by say to their passengers delirant isti Quercus Blokes de Sennockian (They are mad, those Oaks Blokes of Sevenoaks!).
What was in the heart of every Oak Bloke that day as they toiled through the rain, perhaps ad libitum (towards pleasure); ad quod damnum (to whatever damage); alea iacta est (the die has been cast); audeamus (let us dare) because nulla tenaci invia est via (For the tenacious, no road is impassable). Well no not really, actually more of a shall we just do the coffee and the fancy pants without the run, and a moan about my weather forecast, but fear not I do knowcondemnant quod non intellegunt (They condemn because they do not understand).
As we toiled up the hill towards the house, Tim P was struggling to maintain contact with the main bunch and I realized that perhaps he too had over Carpe Vinum (seized the wine) last night. I dropped back for a motivational chat only to be told mortuum flagellas equo (you are flogging a dead horse) I am going to join Lars, don’t worry solvitur ambulando (it is solved by walking).
It may be true to say of some of us eheu fugaces labuntur anni (Alas, the fleeting years have slipped by). Regardless, about 25 men went out and ran and, res, non verba (actions speak louder than words). Further, unlike most recent runs, when Lars came in I did not hear the normal comment cetera desunt (the rest are missing). So all good and off to Rafferties for the fully monty !!!
post scriptum (p.s.) (after what has been written) Yes, I know you knew this one.
There are three points I would make;
1. Regarding the discussions over coffee nemo saltat sobrius (Nobody dances sober) or at least chooses to do so.
2. For those who have not attended for a bit, remember magna est vis consuetudinis (great is the power of habit)
3. Finally just for Duncan who came for coffee again now frustrated on post Op recovery - vir prudens non contra ventum mingit (A wise man does not urinate up against the wind)
Finis - The End !